Tuesday, August 10, 2010


God does not grant immunity to pain. 
you can love Jesus, but you will still feel pain brought on by a heart created in God's image living in a world whose tactic it is to distract from pain, never remove it.  you can always find pain, always.  that's why you have to fight for Love.  fight to find Love, feel Love, see Love and seperate it from lust, dependency and comfort.  Love is not the absence of pain, it is the presence of something far more beautiful and lasting.  if you need a picture:  Jesus loved us in a way that took on all the responsibility for nurturing and pursuing and giving in the relationship, and then never told us we weren't pulling our weight.  then God had to punish His children for not pulling any weight in their relationship with Him.  we never saw that punishment, Jesus shouldered that yoke of burden for us as well.  after we finished abusing, neglecting and ignoring Jesus, He said to His Father; they don't know any better.  then His actions said; since they don't know how to Love, I will Love enough for them and I will show them what Love looks like.  Jesus suffered much pain to show us Love.  Love is sometimes sacrifice.  Love often comes with pain. 
God does not grant us immunity to pain because He still hopes we can learn from Jesus how to Love.


i came upon a crack today
in my cement foundation
your Love was fighting to get in
and break my isolation
hammers and the like abound
who knew tender was the key
i only hope these two small leaves
will grow into a tree

Thursday, August 5, 2010

All Dogs go to Heaven

i have learned a lot from dogs.
i have learned about dogs themselves and I have learned about myself.
for many years humanity has separated themselves into two groups; dog people and cat people. 
i submit that a more pronounced distinction would be between those that have pets and those that do not. 
i know that dog lovers are often labeled as the acceptors of much dedicated and complete love, while cat owners are thought of as those that partake in the ups and downs of an intelligent and temperamental love, but to me there is a greater distinction. that greater distinction is between those that open themselves up to the invasion of life and vulnerability of loss, and those that do not.
it is a known fact that unless you have a koi pond, geoduck, tortoise, hydra, bowhead whale or parrot; you will probably out-live your pet. that means that unless you are a very unfeeling person, or someone who views their pets simply as objects of entertainment, you will feel the pain of a great loss.
sometimes the truest form of unconditional love can be found in the eyes of your labrador retriever. if you ever want to see an example of what a life looks like when it is completely dedicated to something, look at your dog’s dedication to you. it makes you wonder if God gave us this picture of canine love, obedience and dedication because it is rare to find its equal in any human life.
These are beautiful gifts that bring joy, laughter, anger, comfort and then sadness as you watch them grow old.
you watch them lose their ability to do everything they once loved.
you watch them follow you around still trying to show you how much they love you even when they are obviously in pain and you don’t know what hurts or how to help.
then finally, you wonder if it is all too much.
you wonder if you should help them end their pain. if it is too soon, if maybe they’ll still have some good days.
you wonder if you made the right choice.
you wonder were their favorite spot was and if you should plant a tree or build a bench to come and visit.
 you wonder if you can ever get another dog, if they could ever be as good.
and above all you hope.
you hope that all dogs go to Heaven.

We Love you Sadie